I do A and B frequently. C once.
C is the only category I would call attempted suicide, the others are 'only' thoughts.
i see this expression being used frequently and i think it would be helpful to parse the possible meaning by the person using it.
because it has such a huge range of possible impressions that could be taken by the reader.
just to illustrate, i will place myself in the #1 category below of person who might use the expression "attempted suicide".. a.
I do A and B frequently. C once.
C is the only category I would call attempted suicide, the others are 'only' thoughts.
mouthy, is today your 81st birthday?
i saw on a post you wrote -- and it said birthday!
(don't know how these things work?).
Happy Birthday Granny Grace
i'm not gonna quit, though i have the strong desire to do so.
we're in week 7 and my grade sucks in this class.
i understand most of it but he is so picky that no matter how well written there is always so many points taken off.
Hang in there FF. I've had similar problems with some of my tutors too.
Some are so picky that they nail every grammatical error (sometimes ones which even aren't actually too! - eg they would criticise me here for writing aren't instead of 'are not'). I've just been pulled up for not following proper footnoting conventions - hell, I've been doing them the same way for the past 6 years - as outlined in my student handbook - so I can't figure out what was supposed to be wrong with them!
Times like that - it gets me so fired up that I determine to do better next time where I can - other than that, I've done my best and I can do no more.
Maybe that's what your tutor is trying to do with you - maybe he knows you can do even better so he's pushing you - only thing is, it doesn't work for everyone, it can be a demotivator as in your case at the moment.
I know its way past Sunday but...
Who's responsible for this appearing on cheezburger today??!!!
coming out of the witnesses like many here with no university education, it's been a little difficult at times to know how to make a decent living.. since being disfellowshipped, for asking way too many difficult questions of the elders, i've found myself becoming more and more immersed in making money online.. perhaps you do the same?.
or on the other hand, perhaps you too are struggling to understand how you too, could make a decent living online?.
it seems to me, that this could be an awesome opportunity for some here involved in the business of making money online, to help fellow exwitnesses and others too, become more acquainted with some of the methods used to generating an ideal situation to earning for themselves more income.. of course, this can be a very confusing area for some people to understand and/or get to grips with.. so this got me to thinking this afternoon, how many of us here could help our fellow posters out.. my first question then is - if you are already making money online, how do you do it?
Be very wary of the SURVEYS thing you guys....most of them are just gathering your information so they can send you THEIR advertising on THEIR business or to trick you into signing up for other goods and services and subscriptions! And...your inbox will fill up with junk in a matter of hours. Been there and done that. Be VERY careful what information you put out there for them.
Thanks for the warning Lovesdubs - if I do decide to go ahead, I'll set up a specific email address for that purpose only I've heard about companies which don't pay, or only pay when you've earned a certain level - which they make sure you either take a long time to or never attain. There is one site I've heard about however, which pays monthly regardless of earnings, I think it's based in Germany but they do UK surveys.
I have just signed up for a 'cashback' site - so if you click on their affiliate links, you get points which can be redeemed for shopping vouchers - its a well-established site recommended on a thoroughly reputable site which has loads of money-saving tips. It'll be good for me as I do a lot of Amazon shopping and now I can get paid for it
here are a few more to have fun with:.
i'll check back later.
Feb WT (on the beach)
"Worldly People watch out - Jehovah is Going to Dash Your Head against the Rocks - Just Like Old Times!"
here are a few more to have fun with:.
i'll check back later.
No Photoshop here but a caption for the one where she's looking out the window:
Christmas - Is Growing Fir Trees a Cause of Stumbling for Christians?
"I wonder if the elders will notice if I decorate the trees this Christmas?"
Yeaahhhhh - that game is so hard to find online - plus it's full screen too! I had it on a link which another poster put here but the site disappeared.
Thanks for the link
hw said to respond to his post only if you are an elder or ms. since i'm neither, i felt the need for a separate post to this unusual question by a relatively new member of jwd.
is his question out of bounds for a new poster?
it seems like a digging for facts so he can turn someone in type of question.
Let me get this right. If a poster identifies himself as an elder (or any poster) it is possible for someone to find out who they are through their IP address? I thought that this site was giving out ramdom IP addresses to those logging in making it impossible to know who they are and where they're from unless they actually let it be known themselves.
Am I correct to assume we are not here anonymously?
Joebin, the point is you're as anonymous as you want to be. If you start posting that you're an elder/MS/whatever in such-and-such a town/congregation or giving other personal details, posting family photos etc, it is easy for anyone to build a profile of exactly who you might be. IP addies are encrypted here (it's that jumble of letters/numbers to the left of posts) - that alone, even if the encryption could be decoded, isn't enough to identify your location - sometimes the IP could be that of your ISP server, not your own computer - the last time I checked my actual IP for example, it located me somewhere in Essex - that's a couple of hundred miles from Yorkshire! There are also 'dynamic' IP's which change regularly, and 'anonymising' programs you can use yourself, which can 'move' your computer to the other side of the world if you want!
that's what a man came up to me and said a few days ago.
i work at sams club.
been there a month and nobody knows me from adam.
That was quite a sweet story! Got me smiling
Good recommendation too - exactly the reasons I'd have given lol! That was my precise line when I sold them to folk who'd never read it before - "It's the Bible minus the Thees and Thous"
Maybe he was sent to you by the Lord himself!!!